Photography Competition

We believe that by changing the electoral system to the Alternative Vote, we will empower people all over the UK who feel disenfranchised and disillusioned with politics in the UK. Through Photography, we want young people to open their minds to the idea of having a stronger voice and explore what that concept means to them.

Young people (under the age of 30) are invited to submit photos (taken by them) on the theme of ‘Voice’. Think about how you would like your voice to be heard, how strong you think our say in how our country is run is and how you can maximize your own potential to be heard, as individuals and as a community.

The competition will run in conjunction with a music and comedy night being held at the Proud Gallery in Camden on April 7th. The winner will have their photo exhibited at Proud Gallery Camden and will also receive free tickets and travel to the night.

To enter, complete the online sign-up form, attach your photograph and send it in. The winner will be chosen by judges the Yes to Fairer Votes Campaign.

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